Common Myth Buster about Refurbished Laptops -Before discussing different myths about Refurbished Laptops lets discuss what is refurbished means. Refurbished products are basically those electronics that are returned to the seller because of some manufacturing and functioning defect. The seller then repairs and fix again under the industrial standards and sold again.
In general, refurbished means a device that is returned and repaired. But it can vary from seller to seller and buyer to buyer. Basically, there are 3 terms that explain a refurbished product. Common Myth Buster about Refurbished Laptops
- Refurbished: It is a product that is refurbished to like-new conditions.
- Certified: Product that is tested to ensure they’re in good working condition, but not usually repaired.
- Pre-owned: Some refurbished product is returned items that were once owned by someone.
There are some questions regarding Refurbished Electronics –
- ARE REFURBISHED ELECTRONICS GOOD? Well as we discussed above, Refurbished Electronics will be similar to a brand-new product and this product have a lower chance of breaking then new. As the refurbished product will go through quality check twice as compare to the new product. Also, these products are much cheaper than a brand new product.
- DO REFURBISHED ELECTRONICS COME WITH A WARRANTY? Customers can save between 20% to 50% on refurbished electronics. But sometimes they are discounted for more than 50%.
Common Myth Buster about Refurbished Laptops –
Myth 1: They don’t have all the newest bells and whistles. Therefore, they’re no good:
The fact is that a few years ago most laptops reached the point that the difference in performance between one generation and the next was almost undetectable. This isn’t the old days when you could measure the difference between a 286 and a 486 with an hourglass. Processor speeds have become so fast and the amounts of memory so great that almost no one is able to tell if Word opens 0.142 seconds faster with their new laptop than it did with their “old” laptop. As such a year old refurbished laptop will be perfectly adequate for virtually any computing need you may have.
Myth 2: Refurbished computers are broken computers that have been fixed:
As we mentioned during the opening most refurbished laptops are either models that went unsold or they are laptops that have been returned by companies because they bought new ones for their staff. In neither of these cases are the laptops being returned because they didn’t work? For the unsold models refurbishment means conducting a full inspection to ensure no issues have arisen while the laptop sat on the shelf. And in the case of laptops returned from large companies, each one is given a complete checkup before being cleared for sale Common Myth Buster about Refurbished Laptops
Myth 3: Refurbished cheap laptops won’t last long:
As most refurbished laptops are only a year or two old and some have never even been used. The idea that they won’t last for a good long time is pretty silly. Keep in mind too that when laptops fail it is usually at the beginning of their lifecycle and reflects a manufacturing defect. So if the laptop has been working fine for a year or more it’s a myth that one day a few weeks after you buy it just going to give out. If it made it through a year of operation without any issues. Then it’s a well-built machine that will be a valuable asset for some time to come.
Myth 4: Refurbished laptops need more maintenance and repairs:
You have no reason to think that your refurbished machine will require any more repairs or maintenance than a new laptop. The most important thing to keep in mind when purchasing refurbished laptops is the company you’re buying them from. If someone just drove up to your building and offered to sell you refurbished laptops out of the trunk of their car. You should definitely take a pass. If on the other hand you buy from an established reseller with a solid reputation. You should have nothing to worry about. Common Myth Buster about Refurbished Laptops
Myth 5: Refurbished affordable computers are bad for business:
When someone sits down next to you at the coffee shop and opens their laptop can you tell if it’s brand new, a year old or refurbished? Of course not. There is so little difference between this year’s laptop and last year’s laptop that only a computer expert could tell the difference. And there is no way to determine just by looking if a laptop has been refurbished. Also, refurbished laptops are not going to let you down when you need them most. So the idea that refurbished laptops will somehow reflect badly on your business is hogwash. Common Myth Buster about Refurbished Laptops
Myth 6: Only poorly funded organizations use refurbished cheap laptops.
While NGOs, nonprofits and schools all have an interest in buying affordable computers to keep their costs low. No, refurbished laptops are bought by companies and individuals across the entire economic spectrum for that very same reason. In fact, in today’s ever more competitive global marketplace even large corporations in Colorado are switching to refurbished laptops as a way to cut costs and stay competitive. It’s a sink or swim world and cheap laptops that have been properly refurbished allow you to stay afloat.